My Work

Collaborated with a group of 40 as a programmer. acclaimed as finalists at the 2024 Level Up Showcase.

  • Designed and implemented a seamless server creation and joining system utilizing the Steam subsystem within Unreal Engine and C++, enhancing player connectivity and allowing multiplayer experiences.
  • Developed an in-game text chat system with a profanity filter using Unreal Engine UI, fostering real-time player communication while maintaining a positive gaming environment.
  • Engineered server-to-client replication mechanisms to synchronize gameplay across all participants.
  • Optimized game package size from 1.8 GB to 900 MB by fine-tuning in-game settings, enhancing distribution efficiency without compromising quality.
  • Fixed some problems within the steam subsystem such as the live server player count variable not working.
This is a trailer for the game that showcases its features. Video made by Sam Andrews an artist on the Morithon development team 

Snow Shoveling Simulator is a semi-idle game about shoveling snow and maximizing your score to buy items. Showcased at the 2024 Level Up Showcase. This game was developed collaboratively with two other team members, and it was a 2D game built almost entirely from scratch using SDL and C++.

  • Led a team of 3 as the lead programmer in developing a game showcased at the 2024 Level Up Showcase, demonstrating leadership and collaborative skills.
  • Implemented player movement and orientation based on mouse cursor interaction.
  • Programmed object spawning, collision management, and memory leak prevention, ensuring smooth gameplay and optimized performance.
  • Developed an item shop and item functionality, including upgrades for items enhancing player engagement and progression mechanics.

Beyond coding, I played a crucial role in team management. I ensured that tasks and ideas were realistic and assigned based on our skill levels to ensure everyone's comfort. Additionally, I took charge of overseeing the codebase, verifying that it adhered to our coding standards and had no memory leaks.

This is a trailer for the game that showcases all its features 

Bunker Zero is a short horror game created in just a week entirely by me using free assets and sounds. The game was developed on Unreal Engine 5 using a combination of C++ and Blueprints. 

  • Programmed AI zombie behavior for roaming, pursuing, and attacking players within range, enhancing gameplay immersion.
  • Implemented a playable pistol within the game, empowering players to engage in combat against zombies effectively.
  • Designed and programmed a game for ”ScreamJam 2023” using Unreal Engine within a week, showcasing rapid development skills and creative problem-solving abilities.

This is a preview for Bunker Zero

ALBAYT is a custom Call of Duty zombies map that was made on "ModTools" which is the engine provided by Call of Duty Treyarch to add maps into the game. To make this map I used C++ Lua, GSC, CSC, steam.

  • Utilized a triple-A game engine made by Call of Duty to design and program a custom zombies level for Call of Duty Black Ops 3 game which has over 50+ million players.
  • Published the level on Steam, achieving 100+ downloads and 10+ favorites.
  • Programmed scripts in C++ to create dynamic event scripts, enabling immersive in-game experiences that react to user input, amplifying player engagement within the immersive world of the zombies level.

In-game image of the map

2-player shooter game using Unreal Engine 5, this was a solo project and is almost fully made in C++, however some of the UI is made in blueprints. 

  • Implemented the synchronization of actions, such as shooting the gun, between the server and client, ensuring visibility on both players' screens.
  • Developed a player state class containing personalized variables for each player, including score. 
  • Established a winning condition for the player who successfully destroyed the most targets after all targets have been eliminated.

​This is a video for the project 

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