Ubisoft Next 2024 

For the Ubisoft Next 2024 Programming Competition, the theme was "Projectiles". I decided to create an infinite zombie survival game where the player has to eliminate as many zombies as possible before caving in to the undead horde. This game was developed using the Ubisoft-provided framework, a 2D C++ framework released a month before the competition began. However, the theme of the game, "Projectiles," was only revealed three days before the submission deadline. 

  • Produced a complete game within a tight 3-day schedule during the competition, demonstrating time management and productivity.
  • Engineered a Zombie AI system for movement and orientation towards the player, enhancing gameplay immersion.
  • Developed a precise collision detection system for accurate projectile impact on zombies.
  • Designed and implemented an in-game item shop, enabling players to enhance their gameplay experience through strategic purchases.
  • Implemented efficient memory management for projectiles and zombies, dynamically creating and deallocating resources.

This is a trailer for the game that showcases all its features 

Global Game Jam 2024

Make Him Laugh was a game made for the Global Game Jam 2024 Using Unity. Although the theme was “Make Me Laugh,” we added our own twist to it by making a horror game called “Make Him Laugh.” For this game I worked with a group of 2 other people and I was the programmer using C#​. 

  • Programmed an AI to pursue and engage the player.
  • Wrote scripts to seamlessly integrate animations with in-game actions, contributing to a visually compelling experience.
  • Developed logic for picking up and placing objects within the game world, adding depth to the game play mechanics.
  • Coded the UI elements for the game screen, as well as the lose and win screens,

If you have not already, check out

My Work

Image of the game